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LMVF, Inc is a 501(c)(3) Organization founded in the State of Florida.
Our cause is to help needy communities in the Philippines with small scale to LARGE SCALE initiatives in providing for example artesian wells, food, clothing and school supplies to orphanage support; disaster relief; and medical-dental-surgical services with providential coordination from local, national and international groups.
About Our Foundation
Inspired by a group of nurses from the Philippines, LMVF was established in 2007 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Over the years, we have become more resolved to promote our goals as an effective charitable foundation working hard to improve the lives of those in need. Here you can learn more about who we are and what we do.....
Our Causes
It Starts With the Will to Make a Difference
Feeding Children
Reaching out to Orphanages
Street Care Initiative
Feeding the Hungry
Fighting Poverty
Self Sustainability